6 little feet

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Maggie.  Our one and only girl.

She did something special tonight...

Something we've prayed about.  Something we've hoped for.

She asked Jesus to come into her heart.

She's a christian now.

We've had a rough couple of weeks but God has reminded us that things that we think are big aren't big at all. 

The big things in life are really the little things around us...

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

9 Years and Counting...

Once upon a time, there was a girl who worked at Sam's Club. 
 She decided that she wanted to get out of Tyler and move to Nashville to work in the music
 business.  So, she did. 

During the 8 years she was gone, there was a boy named Danny who decided to work at
 Sam's Club. 

 The girl loved living in the big city and she sowed many oats and did everything cool thing that
 she wanted to do. 
 Luckily, the boy was in Tyler sowing his oats as well. 
Then, in October of 1999, the girl decided she'd sown all she could and she wanted to move
 back home.  When she got back, she worked at Sam's.
 Then, one day, the boy and the girl met. 

  The following September, the boy got down on one knee and asked the girl for her hand in
She said yes.  
On February 24th, 2001 they were husband and wife.
  And now 4 dogs , 1 cat and 3 kids later,  they are living happily ever after. 

 Happy Anniversary Boy! 

Love, the girl 

Friday, February 12, 2010

Our First REAL Snow Day

FINALLY!  A real, live snow day!  The forecast earlier this week said we'd have a chance for snow/mix on Thursday and it actually happened!  If only we'd believed it we could have been prepared!  The flimsy little gloves we have did not last long.  It was fun though.  We've had snowball fights and built a snowman, made snow angels and Danny just made a batch of snow ice cream.  I love the snow.  I don't necessarily want to live where there is snow all winter but the best feeling is waking up and jumping to the window to see if it really did snow.  It was 6 years ago when we built our last snowman.  Jordan was almost 2 and Maggie was a baby.  9 years ago Danny and I built our first snowman.  Hopefully, we'll get to build another one before the kids get too big.  Anyway, we enjoyed being out of school and Dad being home from work and when the day comes that we have to make it up at school we'll all groan and wish we could stay home, forgetting how fun today was.  Maybe not...

Monday, January 11, 2010

The Weekend...

Well, we made it through the first games!  They were great!  Maggie's team won, it was touch and go for a while.  She actually had the ball in her hand a time or two.  She'll get the hang of it.  Jordan's team didn't win but he had a great time and looked great out there!  Lots of big grins!  We even saw teeth!  He's not one to show much emotion in front of anyone so it's great to see him that happy.  After the game, Mimi and Poppa took us out for lunch which was great and then we headed to Walmart.  That's not always fun but they were good and we got out of there fairly quick and not too terribly broke!  After that, the weekend was nothin' but playin' the Wii and hanging out with Dad.

  Now it's Monday.  I'm home alone.  Everyone has gone to school and Danny's at work.  Hattie's taking a nap somewhere.  I know one day I won't like these quiet days but for now I'm enjoying them!  Now the laundry and the cleaning has to happen.  Get caught up from the weekend (and last week really).   I know there are lots of people who groan about Mondays but I don't think I ever have really.  I like Mondays because it's a new week.  I guess it's about 2nd chances.  I've always been a fan of those. (And third and fourth!)  I tried to explain that to Maggie this morning as she was standing under the curling iron, growling.  I don't think the day matters to her it's more about having to get up on any morning!  Jordan doesn't mind getting up.  He has to be slow about it but he'll do it without complaining.  Now AJ jumps up and runs if he thinks someone is already up.  He's not missing ANYTHING!  It's funny how different everyone is.  That's what keeps it interesting I guess.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

We're Playin' Bas...ket...ball!

It's that time of year! Very exciting for us.  It's Maggie's first year. She had her first practice last night and Jordan had his tonight.  Jordan played last year so he's a little more familiar and coordinated.  We were a little nervous for Maggie.  While she has played a year of tball, she really hasn't had much experience at sports.  She's definitely her momma's daughter when it comes to coordination.  God Bless Her.  BUT...she was great last night!  She made at least 10 goals.  We were very excited for her.  She maybe looked over at us once or twice.  It was like she had been playing a while.  Now, she doesn't have a clue what to do when you're not shooting but that will come.  I'm just so happy that they get to experience these things and learn them before jr high and high school comes along and they're standing there with no clue. 
           This year isn't too bad with two in basketball.  It's only 5 or 6 weeks long and their games are on the same day at the same place.  That's the good thing about youth basketball.  Now when tball gets here, our lives will be crazy.  All three will play -assuming Maggie plays- she didn't want to last year but I think she wishes she had.  We'll see.  But the practices will be different and the games will be different.  3 teams.  uugghh.  But, time flies by and the next 12 years will be gone in a flash.  Hopefully we will live in every moment instead of wishing it was over.  We find ourselves doing that sometimes. I really want my kids to know that I was present in every second.  I don't want them to feel like they are a bother.  I want them to feel important and loved.  This old world may not treat them the same when they get out there!  Enjoy it all!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year!

So here it is another new year...  I'm always excited about new beginnings.  I'm really excited about this one because we had such a crazy year last year.  Danny was gone most of the year with his job.  This was not something we ever planned or expected.  We always thought his job would be to 'go to work and then come home'.  We survived.  He survived, the kids survived and I survived.  Well, this year I don't want to just survive the year, I want to live the year.  I've become somewhat of a hermit this past year. Staying home, taking care of the kids.  While I would like to keep my kids in a bubble, I don't necessarily like what it's done to me.  I'm a little cranky.  My husband would probably agree.  So this year, I'm not really making any resolutions, but I am going to commit to getting out more. 
  Jordan is excited about turning 8, AJ is excited about starting kindergarten and Maggie, well, sometimes I think she'd like to be a hermit too! We're gonna get her out of that.  I think it's going to be a great year!  Full of friends, new & old.  I'm also excited about this new blog I'm doing.  I always think about when I was a kid and what really went through my mother's head.  Now my kids will know what went through mine! Maybe things will be clearer when they read these pages...

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The first one...

Well here it is... my blog. I've been thinking about this for about a year now.  I actually set this thing up in July but didn't know what to do with it. So, here I am, trying, and I'm learning, so be patient. I feel like my brain has turned to mush since I decided to stay home almost 8 years ago. (the week before Jordan was born) We are going to revive the ol' brain and put it to use. I know I'm going to need it later for when my kids grow up and I'll have to think like an adult again. No one ever warned me about this fact. I probably wouldn't have believed them! Either way, I wouldn't go back and change it. I love having these little chickens I call kids. I have about 8 months left of this bliss (lol) before the last one leaves the nest and starts kindergarten. What will I do then? I guess we will find out together!